18Σ - 8Ν: Κινητοποιήσεις στον 1 χρόνο από τη δολοφονία του Π. Φύσσα - Πανευρωπαϊκή Μέρα Αντιφασιστικής Δράσης (Αγγλικά)

18 SEP – 8 NOV



From France to the Ukraine, NO PASARAN!

This was the message sent out by the first European meeting of antifascist groups that took place in Athens (School of Fine Arts) on April 11th to 13th, 2014.

32 groups from 20 European countries decided at the meeting to set a European antifascist action day in the weekend of November 8 & 9, 2014 that will involve actions in as many countries and cities as possible to let the voice of the people and the antifascist movement be heard out loud and clear.

The choice of the date was not random; November 9th is the world day against fascism and anti-Semitism on the occasion of the commemoration of the pogrom committed by Hitler’s Nazis in the night of November 8th to 9th 1938 against the Hebrew population of Germany, known in history as the Night of the Crystals (Kristalnacht).

Recent polls in the Euro-elections clearly showed the type and the size of the threat. In France, the extreme-right National Front led by Marine Le Pen came first. In the Netherlands, in Austria, Scandinavian countries, extreme-right parties count two-digit percentages or already participate in governments. In Hungary, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece overtly neo-Nazi parties are on the rise and threatening.

In other countries, outside the EU, but within Europe –e.g. the Ukraine– neo-Nazis and fascists govern together, siding with reactionaries.

History has shown us more than once in the past that fascist and Nazi movements begin by few-member groups masked behind the façade of being “anti-systemic” that choose an easy enemy, “foreigners” or simply “different” people, to become mass movements; when they come to power, their basic concern is to smash labour and popular movement and serve the interests of the strong capitalists that financed and supported them blatantly and overtly.

In today’s conditions of deep capitalist crisis and a vast political vacuum, simple reference to our historical memory is not enough. We need answers to today’s problems of societies that would be linked to the vision of a social overthrow and a world without oppression and exploitation of a human being from another human being.

Governments subordinated to the economic oligarchies of banks and corporations neither can nor wish to let this happen; neither do the media, which of course are run and paid by the same corrupt governments.

It is now the duty of the movement on a European and international scale to destroy the plans of the system and the extreme-right.

We still have the time and the majority on our side; the fact that extreme-right supporters and neo-Nazis grow is just one side of the coin; the other side is that antifascists are still the vast majority of European societies. Extreme-right and Nazi parties are still minorities and their percentages have no potential of developing in terms of organisation or transforming into mass movements.

This situation will not last forever. We are actually running a race faced with two contingencies: either neo-Nazis will grow further and the movement will be smashed, or they will be wiped out by the movement, opening thus the way to overthrow the system and the governments that serve it.

We choose and prefer the second path, passing through a unifying, mass, global and combatant antifascist movement that will embrace all those that consistently resist the system, its policies and its long arm, fascism.

This is the struggle we invite you to participate in. November 8-9 2014 is our first European call. Before that, demonstrations will be held on Thursday September 18 2014, one year from the assassination of antifascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas by the assault squadrons of Golden Dawn.
On Saturday, November 8th, we want to show that the antifascist movement is the vast majority in every corner of Greece and many other European countries; we will reiterate that will not give away our liberties and long-standing conquests to the enemies of freedom and all those who despise diversity in human beings.

We address a broad, unifying call to all groups and individuals to take part in these mobilisations. Particularly in the struggle against fascism, there is no room for small-party sense of logic or disruptive practices. The assassination of Pavlos is a clear warning as to where the lack of an antifascist movement would lead; an antifascist movement that fights both at a central level and a local one, defending the neighbourhood from the attacks of the Nazis.

The Antifascist Coordination of committees-initiatives-groups in Athens & Piraeus, completing one year of life and grouping 31 collectivities from a very broad political and ideological spectrum is a living example of what the movement and unifying action can do.

We will discuss in detail ideas and proposals for better organizing these actions at the antifascist assembly of the antiracist festival on Saturday, July 5th, University Campus of Ilissia, at 20:30 pm and the open board meeting that will take place at the Immigrant’s Centre (13, Tsamadou St.) at 19:30 pm.

of committees-initiatives-groups in Athens & Piraeus
tel.: +30 697 6436 302 – 210 3813 928 – 210 3306 286


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